Monday, July 14, 2008

Foam Food

There's been a lot of gorgeous felt food out there recently 
and I've spent many happy evenings marveling at the talent 
and creativity of the people who've made them. 
Some of my favorite faux food restaurants are here and here
And here's a page worth looking at for some jaw-dropping inspiration.
Scrumptious. Someday, I'm thinking, when I have the time, 
I might cook some up myself, hopefully before the kids become teenagers.

In the meantime, the girls and I made foam food. 
I cannot sufficiently extol the virtues of foam stickies 
and foam sheets - my eldest daughter is only just turning 4 
and it is probably the perfect crafting material for both her 
and her almost-two-year-old little sister, at least until they 
discover fabric. They're colorful, slightly 3D, mostly self-adhesive 
and mess-free. Today we spent a morning indoors 
and on the spur of the moment made 



and maki (sushi rolls) for supper. 
Cow, do you recognize those chopsticks?

Emily made her own popsicle stick

which reminded me of the collection of lollipops we'd made 
some months ago for her Donut House and Candy Store 
(will post pictures some other time).

The kids loved peeling the backing paper off and sticking 
the foam shapes together. And I liked that they could assemble 
the food with me -like putting the toppings on the pizza - 
as if it were real food in the kitchen but without the mess!


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